CSU Academic Dismissal Appeals

FAQ’s Regarding Probation and Dismissal

Please see the Office of Academic Advocacy FAQ page on the academic warning/academic watch process as well!

What is academic probation?
Students who have below a 2.0 cumulative GPA at CSU are placed on Academic Probation. Students entering probation have two semesters to raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 before being dismissed. To learn more about the probationary status and to discuss resources that may be helpful, telephone the Collaborative for Student Achievement at 970-491-7095 to schedule an appointment with an advisor.

How do I find out if I am on academic probation?
There are two ways to find out if you are on probation. You can check your academic status in RamWeb by going to Records, and clicking on the link for Course, Grade and Major Information by Term. When the screen comes up, you will see a column for Academic Standing. Your academic standing is indicated in that column

  • GOOD – Good Standing, GPA over 2.0
  • PRB1 = first semester probation – you have two semesters to achieve a cumulative 2.0 GPA
  • PRB2 = second semester probation – your last semester on probation before you’re dismissed (see dismissal appeals)
  • DISM = dismissed

This screen will also show your total number of CSU GPA credits, grade points and cumulative GPA.

If my semester GPA is above 2.0 and I am on probation, will I return to good status?

That depends on your cumulative GPA. If your cumulative GPA(cumulative GPA reflects all grades earned at CSU) is still below 2.0, you will remain on probation (or go into dismissal) even if you had a great semester. It is your cumulative GPA, not your semester GPA, that determines probation status.

If I am on probation, will I be able to register for the next semester?

If you are on PRB1, you are certainly able to register for the following semester. If you are on PRB2, you will be able to register, but if you are still below 2.0 at the end of the current semester, you will be dismissed and your registration for the following semester will be cancelled. However, if you file a dismissal appeal and the appeal is approved, your registration will be preserved.

If I am on academic probation, will I be allowed to graduate?

You need a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in order to graduate. You would need to raise your GPA to meet CSU’s graduation requirements.

If I am on probation, will I be dismissed from the university?

If you are on your first semester of probation (PRB1) and your cumulative GPA is still below a 2.0 at the end of your PRB1 semester, you will enter your second semester of probation (PRB2) so you have an additional semester to raise your GPA. If at the end of your PRB2 semester, your cumulative GPA is still below a 2.0, you will be dismissed from CSU

Is there any chance for me to appeal my dismissal?

Yes, the dismissal appeal process is fully explained on the Information for Students on Academic Probation (link back) page. You are encouraged to make an appointment with an advisor from the Collaborative for Student Achievement to help you with the dismissal appeal process.

If your dismissal appeal is approved, you will be permitted to remain at CSU for an additional probationary semester.

If I am dismissed from CSU, will I ever be allowed to return?

To be eligible to return after being academically dismissed, you must EITHER:

  1. Complete more than 12 academic semester credits with a GPA of 2.5 or better at another institution after leaving Colorado State. The review of your transcript will include an evaluation of the quality and rigor of the course work completed and the grades achieved. Once you establish a strong transfer record at another institution and submit your Intent to Return form and transcript, you will return in Probation 1 status based on your current GPA and have two terms to repair your cumulative Colorado State GPA to 2.0. Please note the deadlines for submitting your documentation.  
    As a dismissed student, you will need to work with a representative from the Office of Admissions to help you return to CSU.
  2. Repair your cumulative Colorado State GPA to a 2.0 or higher. To do this, complete course work during the CSU summer session, through the GUEST program (up to 6 credits per semester), or through Online Plus.  Once your cumulative GPA is repaired to 2.0 and you submit an Intent to Return, you will return in good academic standing. However, there are limitations and restrictions to both the GUEST program and OnlinePlus. It is essential to speak with an advisor before registering for these types of classes.

How do I calculate my GPA?

Grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing “Quality Points” by “Quality Hours” as shown on each quarter’s Student Grade Report.

Grade Point Average =     Total Quality Points Earned %
                                                Total Semester Hours Attempted

  • Assign your semester grades numerical values:
         A=4     B=3     C=2     D=1     F=O
  •  If you earn an A in CO150 and a C in BZ101, CO150 earns you 4 points and BZ101 earns you 2 points per credit. 
  • Now multiply that number times the number of credit hours assigned to the course. Do this for all your courses.
    • CO150: 4 (points) X 3 (credits) = 12 grade points 
    • BZ120: 2 (points) X 4 (credits) = 8 grade points 
  • Add your totals together.
    12 (CO150) + 8 (BZ120) = 20 grade points 
  • Now divide that number by your semester credit hours. The result is your GPA for those courses.
  • CO150 is 3 hours and BZ120 is 4 hours so 20 grade points divided by 7 credit hours equals a 2.85 GPA for the semester if those are your only classes.

Your GPA is automatically calculated for you every semester after your grades are posted. You can check your current GPA in RamWeb.

How can I raise my GPA?

One way to raise your GPA is to use the university’s “repeat/delete” option to retake classes in which you received low grades. You need to fill out a repeat/delete form in order to have the later grade replace the original grade in your GPA calculation. Repeat course forms are available from the Registrar’s Office (100 Administration Annex) or can be downloaded here. You will need to turn the form in to the Registrar’s Office by no later than the course withdrawal date in the semester in which you are retaking the course. Remember, your second grade is the one that counts even if it is lower than the first.

Of course, it is always a good idea to identify and correct any conditions which led to disappointing academic performance in the first place. Use campus resources and on-line assistance to help you improve your grades

What do I do if my academic status is incorrect?

CSU records are updated immediately after grades are recorded at the end of the semester. Although your cumulative GPA is updated automatically if there is a grade change or late grade recorded, the academic status is not changed until the end of the semester. In a very small number of cases, a student’s status could be incorrect in RamWeb due to late grades or grade changes. If you believe that your status is incorrect, please call the Collaborative for Student Achievement at (970) 491-7095 and speak to an advisor.

Are my parents notified about my academic status?

Although we encourage you to be open and honest with your parents about your academic situation, we respect your right to privacy and do not intentionally notify your parents of your probation status.

We send our notification letters to the student’s current address, which should be updated on RamWeb as you change residences. If your address is not updated or you have left no forwarding address, your letters will be returned to us. We make every attempt to notify you that you are entering probation, and it is important to get this information to you. If we do not have a valid address for you, we will send the letter to you at your billing address. This is usually your permanent (parent) address. The letter will be addressed to you but we have no control over who opens mail which is addressed to the recipient.

Bottom line: if your current address in RamWeb is not updated, your notification letters will be sent to your billing (permanent) address. If your parents open your mail, they will find out that you are on probation. If you are concerned about this possibility, be sure that your current address is updated in RamWeb.

If a prospective employer looks at my transcript, can she see that I was on probation?

No, your probation status will not appear on your official transcript.

If I take courses elsewhere, will that raise my GPA at CSU?

No, only courses taken at CSU will affect your GPA. Transfer courses will count toward graduation requirements but are not factored into your CSU GPA.

What is meant by “Quality Point Deficiency”?

This term refers to how far below a 2.0 cumulative GPA an individual student might be. To determine your Quality Point Deficiency, multiply the total number of graded CSU hours by 2 (the number of quality points assigned to a “C” grade). This will give you the total number of quality points the you should have earned to have a “C” (2.0) average. Deduct the number of quality points you actually earned, and the result is the number of quality points the you are deficient (quality points below a “C” average).

For example, a freshman registered for 12 graded hours his first term at CSU. For a “C” average, he should have earned 24 quality points –12 credits x 2.0 (the points awarded for a C) — but he earned only 19. Since 5 quality points below a “C” average, his Quality Point Deficiency is 5. Another way to look at this is that he needs 5 credits of B to move his cumulative GPA to 2.0.

Only credits awarded at CSU are used to determine your QPD. Transfer credits count toward graduation but are not considered in either your cumulative CSU GPA or your QPD.

Who can I talk to about my probation status?

Your assigned department advisor / ASC is your best resource for questions about your academic standing. They regularly track your academic progress and care about your success at CSU! You can find out who your advisor / ASC is on RAMweb. Additionally, the Office of Academic Advocacy provides specific programming to educate and support students moving through the Academic Probation / Academic Watch/Warning system.