Join the Key Communities at CSU!

The Key Communities are learning communities for first year, second year, and continuing students designed to honor the strengths of each student to foster students' transition to and through the University. Students who participate in the Key Communities are dedicated to creating welcoming environments. This type of environment is created through student engagement in conversations, programs, and educational opportunities.

Before proceeding, all students are encouraged to review the Key Community options, program elements, and requirements at

On the submission of interest form, students will need to provide responses to the questions listed below.

We invite you to submit your response to the following question through written, video, poem, art, or collage expression. (If you choose to submit an art project or collage, please include a description of what your art represents).
    1) The Key Communities honors individual life stories. Our stories are an important part of who we are. Please share more about who you are, where you call home, and anything else you would like to share that would help us get to know you better.
Please respond to the following question through a written response.
    2) What are your hobbies and interests?

Please note: In order to complete a submission of interest for the Key Communities, students must have a CSU NetID. If you haven't yet created an NetID, please visit and complete that process before proceeding to the Key Communities submission of interest form.

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